The German grand coalition government has approved significantly more arms sales than the previous conservative government.
The sum of the sales between 2014 and 2017 reached 25,1 billion Euro which is an increase by 20%.
Germany has provided weapons to a number of countries with dubious human-rights records, including both Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which engaged in a tense standoff over the summer 2017. German arms sales to Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, both countries accused of commonly using torture, have also been criticized.
This is the second image of my "remake" collaboration with Felix Kosok (studio069).
It is a completely hand crafted version of one of the motives from Felix's digital "political posters" series.
Check out number one here.
Number three coming soon!
Concept: Felix Kosok
Crafts, Photography: Ollanski
Artist Statement (instagram)

Remake vs Original

Work in Progress